Argentine Ant
Argentine ants range from light to dark brown and measure less than 1/16th of an inch long. They are readily adaptable and can nest in a great variety of places. Nests are usually located in moist soil, next to or under buildings, along sidewalks, or beneath boards. Argentine ants are omnivorous, meaning that they can eat almost anything, but they prefer sweet foods

Odorous House Ant
Odorous House Ants are brown or black in color and measure between 1/16 and 1/8 of an inch. Usually their nests are found under wood, debris, and landscaping and they are known to move their colony approximately every 3 months. They are attracted to moisture sources inside the home.  If any landscaping is in contact with the home, this makes easy access for the ants to invade.

Pavement Ant
Pavement Ants are about 1/8 of an inch in length and range from light brown to black in color. They are often found nesting in the walls of buildings, under pavement stones, and in cracks in the foundation. They forage in trails up to 30 ft. from their nest and will enter inside structures for food.


German Cockroach
German Cockroaches are the most common household cockroach. They are yellowish brown in color and have two dark strips on the head that run from front to back. They are typically between 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long. They are abundant in places where there is food & water such as kitchens and bathrooms. These insects are usually brought into a structure in grocery bags or boxes and breed easily.

Oriental Cockroach
The Oriental Cockroach looks dark brown to black with a greasy sheen and is about one inch in length. They prefer dark, damp, cooler areas, such as under sinks, washing machines, spaces between soil and buildings, under stoops, and landscape mulch. This species is of much more concern because they often travel through sewer pipes and live in filth.


All spiders have venom, but most of them cannot penetrate human skin with their bite. However, some spiders deliver poisonous bites and cause allergic reactions that require medical care. When you encounter a spider in your home, keep your distance until you or a professional have confidentially determined the species.

Black Widow
Black widows are a shiny black color and commonly identified by the red hourglass marking on the underside of their abdomens. Females are larger than males and can measure up to 1 ½ inches in body length. They typically favor dark, secluded areas such as crevices, garages, sheds, and woodpiles. Their egg sac is rounded and smooth and can be a white or tan color.  Their venom is poisonous.


Brown Widow
Brown widows are a lighter variety of the Black Widow. They are the same size measuring 1 ½ inches in length but are a brown color and have an orange hourglass on the underside of their abdomen.  They are less aggressive than the Black widow and will typically only bite if they are poked or pried at. They are most comfortable around the underside of roof eaves, patio furniture, and swing sets. Their egg sacs are a creamy color and are round with pointed projections making them fluffy or spiky in appearance. Their venom is poisonous.




Honeybees are commonly found among flowers and in gardens. They grow to be about ½ inch in length and are golden yellow with dark brown stripes. These bees are the only type of bee known to have colonies that last longer than a decade. Each hive can have hundreds or even thousands of bees. After a colony has been eliminated in a building, it is best to remove the honeycombs from the wall because the honey will rot and produce an odor that will attract unwanted insects. Always maintain a safe distance from bees because all colonies have Africanized honey bee influence in the hive.



Silverfish are white, brown-grey, or bluish-silver in color. They are teardrop-shaped insects that measure between 1/2 to 3/4 inches long.  Capable of thriving in most climates, they commonly infest dark, damp areas around paper and linen sources such as basements, attics, kitchens and bathrooms. They are nocturnal and feed at night. Silverfish eat carbohydrates; particularly sugars and starches. Cellulose, shampoos, glue in books, linen, silk and dead insects may be food sources. Silverfish are known for their destructive feeding habits, oftentimes ruining papers, clothing and wallpaper.

Snails move incredibly slow, approximately 0.5-0.7 inches per second. They can survive in warm and cold climates and are most commonly found in garden or planters. Usually they are most active at night or early morning. They mostly feed on plants, but will eat other insects to be sure they have enough protein to keep their shell hard since it is essential to their survival.




Drywood Termites
Common to Southern California the Drywood Termites nest directly in wood. They are commonly found in attics, roof eaves, decks, patio covers and just about any lumber in the home. They are very destructive and cause millions of dollars in damage each year across America. Their pellets are about the same size as a grain of sand but with a wood coloration.



Subterranean Termites
Subterranean termites live in underground colonies that can be 15-30 feet below ground and up to 100 feet away from a structure. They are typically found in crawlspaces, garages, patios, and around the foundation of homes. They tunnel through the ground by building unique mud tubes to gain access to food (your home) and to protect themselves, but they must travel back to the soil to retrieve moisture for survival.

“Dan came out to inspect the house and was nice and patient. He was knowledgeable and friendly. Happy with the whole process and recommend this company to anyone.”

Richard D.
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“I am very pleased with all aspects of Major League! They did an awesome job of taking care of a troublesome dry rot repair and left the patio the way they found it. Prompt, Courteous, and Excellent Customer Service is who they are and what they do!”

- Chris M.

“I am a return customer of Major League Pest. They recently treated portions of my home for termites. I was very pleased with their professional skills on ridding me of this destructive invasion. I highly recommend them to everyone.”

- Robert C.

“I have been using Major League for a few years for general pest control and they have been great. They are friendly, knowledgeable, efficient, and affordable. I started using them when I moved into my house because my neighbor recommended them. I have also used them for termite fumigation. While it’s not a fun process to go through, they made it as painless as possible and walked us through every step. If you need pest control service and/or termite extermination, I definitely recommend them.”

- Lauryn B.

“We had a great experience with Major League for a fumigation at our investment property. This was our second time using them and this experience was as seamless as the first. They were informative, helpful and everything went exactly as scheduled. They are our go to for pest control and fumigation needs!”

- Nicole N.

“They recently "prepped" my house including repairs and replacement of fascia boards, outside rafters, etc., prior to tenting the house in order to eliminate termites. Their "prep" work was done, including new matching paint, (in less than five hours) on at least five different locations on the exterior of the house. Not only were they very professional and competent; just as importantly, they were very courteous, and responsive to all questions that I asked.”

- Patrick E.

“The technician was friendly, attentive and professional. The work was completed as promised and I was informed about how our every three month service would work. I especially like that Major League will come out between service dates in case there is a new problem. This was my first experience with a pest control company and I am glad it was with Major League. They were recommended by a family member and I understand why. This may be a life-long relationship.”

- Linda M.

“Major League took care of the outdoor bug problems at my new house. Great service, excellent communication. Completely satisfied customer.”

- Becky C.

“Dan came out to inspect the house and was nice and patient. He was knowledgeable and friendly. Happy with the whole process and recommend this company to anyone.”

- Richard D.
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