Major League Pest offers complete quality repairs to all wood work, framing, and structures that have been damaged by Fungus, Subterranean, and Drywood termites. Our repair personnel have extensive experience working with office buildings, restaurants, houses, apartments, and historical structures. We specialize in interior and exterior repairs to roof eaves, decks, and patio covers. We pride ourselves on full renovation of the original structure; no project is too big or small.
There are many different fungus organisms found in the United States. Wood destroying fungus is a spore that attaches to moist or wet lumber. Over a short amount of time it will cause wood to decay, a condition most commonly referred to as “Dry Rot”. Fungus damage to wood is commonly found in bathrooms, doorways, roof eaves, patios, and decks. Major League offers treatments and repairs / renovations for any fungus damaged wood. Our inspector will determine the best solution for your home.